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Space Availability - Center for Student Wellness and Health Promotion

Wellness Room is a private category and can only be viewed at this URL. If you leave this category, you'll need to use the URL to return to it.

Please enjoy 20 minutes in our Ogawa massage chair which has 9 auto programs to choose from to help you relax. This service is for UCI Students Only - No Faculty or Staff.

Persons with any of the conditions listed below or who are undergoing medical treatment should consult with their Health Care Provider before using the unit. Massage Chair precautions include but are not limited to the following:

  • a. Pregnant women, people who are ill, or individuals in poor physical shape.
  • b. People suffering from back, neck, shoulder, or hip pain.
  • c. People who have a pacemaker, defibrillator, or other personal medical devices prone to electronic interference.
  • d. People suffering from heart disease.
  • e. People who are prohibited from receiving massage by a physician due to thrombosis or aneurism, acute varicose veins, or other circulatory disorders.
  • f.  People with irregular curvatures of the spine.
  • g. People who exceed the chair’s weight limit of 300 lbs.

Additionally, here are the terms and conditions of use:

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